
From internship to partnership

We’re here to support you no matter what stage of your career you are at. How, exactly? We let our team answer that. In short interviews, young professionals and experienced team members look back on their onboarding and discuss the spirit of FPS and the opportunities for growth and development on offer. 

Get your job, get your bearings, get started!

Whether it’s an internship, research assistant post, legal clerkship or role as an associate: starting your career brings a lot of new and exciting experiences and challenges. That’s why we offer special support to our young professionals.

We asked our talented young staff members: How did you feel on your first day? What support did you receive and what has helped your professional and personal development?

Angelina Weiskirch
Ankommen und Durchstarten

„FPS habe ich bereits als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Referendarin kennengelernt und mich von Beginn an fachlich wie persönlich wohl und wertgeschätzt gefühlt. Der Berufseinstieg war für mich die logische Konsequenz.“

Angelina Weiskirch, Associate (ehem. Referendarin)

How to FPS and How to FPS advanced 

How can onboarding and continuous further development succeed? With our programmes specially tailored to young professionals. ‘How to FPS’ is designed for our associates in their first year of work and ensures they get off to a good start with us. Our ‘How to FPS advanced’ series of workshops builds on that to help our associates and senior associates continue their development over the long term.

The interview provides you with first-hand experience of the programmes. 

Nadja Kretschmer

‘Networking plays a big role at FPS. The onboarding programme gives new hires the opportunity to get to know their colleagues.’

Nadja Kretschmer, Associate


Learn from the pros: at FPS, young lawyers are involved in the ongoing client work from day one. But we make sure you can specialise in your desired field of law, too. In the process, you receive ongoing support from experienced colleagues and a step-by-step introduction to your work.

What do our experienced team members particularly value when it comes to mentoring and what do they love about their job? Find out in the interview. 

Career prospects

What next after a role as an associate? What opportunities does FPS offer and how can you develop from a young professional to a partner?

We asked our experienced senior associates what the job takes and what you gain from partnership at FPS.