Frau an Stuhl angelehnt
‘Things are never boring’

An interview with Jeanette Litsch, legal and notarial assistant.


Jeanette Litsch works as both a legal and notarial assistant at FPS. In this interview, she talks about her onboarding at FPS, her career path at the firm so far and how diverse her everyday work is.

How long have you been with FPS and how did you join us? 

I have been working at FPS since 2019. When I moved to Frankfurt, I was looking for a law firm where I could develop professionally. That’s how I came across FPS. During the interview, the firm and the staff made a good first impression and I was very much looking forward to the new tasks and working environment. 

What is the day-to-day work as a legal and notarial assistant at FPS like? 

My work is very diverse, because I work both as a legal and as a notarial assistant. As a legal assistant, my tasks include file and document management, communication with clients and courts, and managing deadlines and receivables. Additional tasks in the notarial office include the preparation of deeds and contracts or the coordination of notarisation appointments and the subsequent processing and reworking of the corresponding deeds – things are never boring. 

What skills are particularly important as a legal and notarial assistant? 

Efficient time and schedule management is particularly important. A good level of organisational ability and a structured and precise way of working help in that regard. In addition, you should be a good communicator and always make a confident and polite impression. 

What qualifications should interested applicants have? 

In addition to a good education, you should be motivated to get to know new areas of work and to further your education within your field. Being able to work as part of a team is also important.

How are legal and notarial assistants supported at FPS? 

FPS offers its employees regular internal and external further education and training. The firm also helps staff gain additional qualifications and training certificates, supporting each individual’s career path. I went back to vocational college in 2021 and 2022 and trained to be a notarial assistant. FPS provided me with a lot of support in that endeavour. 

What do new staff members have to look forward to at FPS? 

Certainly an open and friendly team, innovative projects, interesting tasks and the sense that you are valued and supported. 

What is the atmosphere at FPS like?

Even in difficult times, especially during the coronavirus pandemic, people stick together. The professional and, at the same time, very friendly working atmosphere at FPS particularly stood out during that period. 

How do you relax away from work at the office? 

I like to go for walks in nature, jog regularly, go to the gym and practise yoga. And, of course, I enjoy spending time with family and friends. 

How would you describe working together with the lawyers at FPS? 

Pleasant and respectful.